



2001 initiated the process of creating a program platform of independent cultural organizations, initiatives and non-profit clubs which resulted in later establishment of Clubture Network

2002 began implementation of the first collaborative projects within the platform through the program Clubture-HR: program exchange and collaboration

May 2002 held first founding Assembly meeting of the Clubture Network

May 16, 2002 formally registered Clubture Network

2002. Clubture Week in Rijeka (25. 11. - 1. 12) organized by Spirit Association

2003 created pilot issue of04 - Megazin za hakiranje stvarnosti (04 – Megazine for hacking reality)

2003. Clubture Week in Split (31. 1. - 7. 2.) organized by Koalicija udruga mladih (KUM) in Youth Centre

2004 organized exhibition Clubture: Podaci in Galerija Nova in Zagreb (produced in partnership with  Što, kako i za koga – WHW, Platforma 9.81 and Multimedijalni institut as a part of the project Zagreb – Kulturni Kapital Evrope 3000)

2004 began activities of gathering and connecting organizations of independent culture in the region, launched the program Regional initiative of Clubture Network

2005 launched web porta www.kulturpunkt.hr

2005 launched the program Kultura aktiva focused on the development of local cultural policies and capacity building of local organizations  

2005 launched the program Education for strategic cultural management

2005 held first manifestation Operacija grad in the premises of Zagreb factory Badel-Gorica

2006 founded Zagreb platform of independent cultural and youth organizations Alliance Operation City (former Alliance for the Center for Independent Culture and Youth)

2006 initiated Right to the City (joint advocacy initiative of the platforms Zagreb - Kulturni kapital 3000 and Clubture, Croatian Youth Network and three Zagreb based clubs: Attack, Mama and Mochvara) and first actions began

2006 - 2007 implemented experimental pilot phase of program exchange and collaboration among independent cultural organizations in the region

2007 Clubture became a member of the European cultural advocacy platform Culture Action Europe

2007 5th anniversary of the Network, published  Clubture: kultura kao proces razmjene (Clubture: culture as a process of exchange)

2008 launched program Clubture Forum and held first forum meeting in Rijeka in collaboration with Alliance Molekula

2008 organized international conference Neoliberal Frontiers (in collaboration with Alliance Operation City, Multimedijalni institut, Platforma 9.81 and association BLOK)

2008 established  POGON – Zagreb Center for Independent Culture and Youth, the first public institution based on the principles of civic-public partnership

2009 held 2nd Clubture Forum in Zagreb in collaboration with association Attack and AKC Medika

2009 initiated process  Exit Europe, in Zagreb organized international conference on the development of cultural policies in the region and the rest of Europe (in collaboration with the platform Culture Action Europe, Alliance Operation City and Zagreb Center for Independent Culture and Youth - POGON)

2010 held 3rd Clubture Forum in Dubrovnik in collaboration with Art radionica Lazareti

2010 implemented 10th cycle of collaboration projects within the program Clubture-HR: program exchange and collaboration

2011 held 4th Clubture Forum in Pula in collaboration with the association Metamedij and organizations active in the premises of former garrison Karlo Rojc

2012 Pannel in the literary club Booksa marked the 10th anniversary of the Network and its implementation of the program exchange and collaboration

2012 held 5th Clubture Forum in Zadar in collaboration with the association Zadar snova

2012 formally established  Kooperativa – regional platform for culture, initially launched within the program Regional initiative of Clubture Network

2013 initiated pilot program  Clubture cultural action lab (CT Lab) within the program Knowledge Centers for social development in the field of independent culture

2013 held 6th Clubture Forum in Split in collaboration with Platform 9.81 and organizations active in the premises of Dom mladih in Split

2013 in Croatia in collaboration with association Drugo more organized the symposium Perspectives of cultural industries in Rijeka

2014 in Zagreb organized the conference  Culture, common goods and institutional innovation (in partnership with Alliance Operation City, association Right to the City and Kooperativa – Regional platform for culture and in collaboration with  European Cultural Foundation and the foundation Heinrich Böll – Croatia)

2014 held 7th Clubture Forum in Čakovec in collaboration with Autonomous center - ACT

2014 in collaboration with two trade unions and five union headquarters as well as six other civil society organizations (Croatian Youth Network, Right to the City, Green Action, GONG, Center for Peace Studies, Baza za radničku inicijativu i demokratizaciju) Clubture initiated  Ours to Own! initiative. Through collaboration of these organizations it was collected over 520.000 citizens’ signatures for the referendum on concession on Croatian highwayscitizens’ signatures for the referendum on granting concession on Croatian highways

2015 held 8th Clubture Forum in Karlovac in collaboration with the association KA-matrix and platform KA-operativa

2015 implemented 15th cycle of collaboration projects within the program Clubture-HR: program exchange and collaboration

2015 on Clubture web site published archive map with the overview of collaboration projects implemented within the program Clubture-HR: program exchange and collaboration

2016 held 9th Forum in Vukovar in collaboration with Vukovar Association of cultural activism, Youth Peace Group Danube, Kulturtreger/Center for the documentation of independent culture and Kurziv - Platform for Matters of Culture, Media and Society

2016 Clubture representatives Miljenka Buljević and Tomislav Domes elected as members of the Council for Civil Society Development

2016 published the research "Uvođenje reda u udruge - poticajno okruženje ili nadzor civilnog društva" ("The introduction of order in associations - enabling environment or civil society oversight") by authors and editors Tomislav Domes and Katarina Pavić, together with the expert contribution of sociologist dr. Kruno Kardov, in which were critically analyzed the motives and conceptual basis of policy reform towards civil society (2012-2015)

2017 held 10th form in Rijeka in collaboration with Alliance Molekula and Association Drugo More

2018 held 11th Forum in Križevac in collaboration with K.V.A.R.K. Association - Creative conjunction of alternative culture development and in collaboration with the following organizations: Kurziv - Platform for Matters of Culture, Media and Society, Association Vibra, Autonomous cultural center, Association KLFM - community radio and Association Drugo More

2018 began implementation of the project DKC-HR: Mreža društveno-kulturnih centara (DKC-HR: Network of socio-cultural centers) (within the call Culture in the center - support for the developmnet of public-civil partnership in culture)

2019 held 12th Forum in Zagreb in partnership with Alliance Operation City and in collaboration with the following organizations: Kurziv - Platform for Matters of Culture, Media and Society, Liburnia Film Festival, Kontejner / Bureau of contemporary art praxis, Pogon- Zagreb Center for Independent Culture and Youth, Cultural development association and Autonomous cultural center

2020 implemented 20th cycle of collaboration projects within the program Clubture-HR: program exchange and collaboration

2020 held 13th Clubture Forum in Split in partnership with Split Youth Center Platform and in collaboration with organization Kurziv - Platform for Matters of Culture, Media and Society

May 28, 2020 established Network of socio-cultural centers (DKC-HR) among whose founders are: Art workshop Lazareti, Forum Association of Independent Culture - FUNK, Split Youth Center Platform, Hvar Platform, Alliance Kaoperativa, Clubture Network, Alliance Molekula, Alliance Operation City and Rojc Alliance

2020 Clubture representatives Domagoj Šavor and Miljenka Buljević elected as members of the Council for Civil Society Development

2020 began implementation of project Nova javna kultura i prostori društvenosti (New public culture and spaces of social) within the call Thematic networks for socio-economic development and the promotion of social dialogue in the context of improving working conditions)

2021 implemented 21st cycle of collaboration projects within the program Clubture-HR: program exchange and collaboration

2021 held 14th Clubture Forum in Osijek in partnership with Association ReArt and in collaboration with organization Kurziv - Platform for Matters of Culture, Media and Society

2021. published publication Clubture Network - 20 years of exchange and cooperation

2022. Clubture Network, Alliance Operation City and Network of Socio-cultural Centers (DKC-HR) organized public debate about Act on Cultural Councils and Financing of Public Needs in Culture. Public debate was held in Journalist Home in Zagreb.
2022. within the project Bottom up cultural policy - From good practices of socio-cultural centers to a sustainable participative governance framework Code of Good practice for civil-public partnerships is developed
2022. implemented 22nd cycle of collaboration projects within the program Clubture-HR: program exchange and collaboration
2022. held 15th Clubture Forum in Pula in partnership with Rojc Alliance and Metamedia Association and in collaboration with Kurziv - Platform for Matters of Culture, Media and Society
2022. published analysis Uključeni u sve, prioritet ni u čemu - može li ESF zamijeniti sustavnu kulturnu politiku? (Involved in everything, with no priorities - can ESF be a substitute for systematic cultural policy?) by author Matija Mrakovčić
2023. Clubture representatives Domagoj Šavor and Matija Mrakovčić elected as members of the Council for Civil Society Development
2023. within the project Nova javna kultura i prostori društvenosti (New public culture and spaces of social) guidelines for cultural infrastructure and community activities have been drawn up
2023. implemented 23rd cycle of collaboration projects within the program Clubture-HR: program exchange and collaboration
2023. held 16th Clubture Forum in Zadar in collaboration with Platforma Scena, Association for culture and art Punktum, Nigdjezemska, project ´Kino Zona´ (Alliance of Independent Culture Centre) and Kurziv - Platform for Matters of Culture, Media and Society